Fuel Fighter Its not a matter of ruling out abiotic oil. Site Map
74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money. Become an AOGHS supporting member and help maintain this energy education website and expand historical research. Add in lazy research and their products are bad jokes. A well that is 49,000 feet deep is, for example, deeper than the highest building in the worldthe Burj al Khalifa in Dubaiis tall. Thanks for this precautionary tale of internet inaccuracies, illustrating succinctly why skepticism is an intrinsic part of a rational mind. That email address is already in the database. 731-668-1818, Hendersonville / Nashville Campus
The Burj is a meager 2,722 feet tall by comparison. The ultra-deepwater Lower Tertiary play in the Gulf of Mexico and the deep subsalt plays offshore Brazil are often cited as examples of abiotic oil because the reservoirs are supposedly too deep, too hot and/or too highly pressured to be in the oil window. The Kola super-deep borehole wasnt drilled for hydrocarbons. The project fell quite short of the Moho, reaching only 601ft below the sea floor in 12,000 feet of water. He has patiently explained it many times. Much depended upon the skill and patience of the driller.. We acknowledge the Alaska Native nations upon whose ancestral lands our campuses reside. It generally cant exist at depths anywhere close to the mantle. A pipe connection might bend. Shells Perdido spar on Alaminos Canyon 857 in 7,835 WD has no slots. While they are moving around, they can have stuff eroded off of them, piled onto them, or extruded onto or into them by volcanoes. Todays infographic comes to us from Fuel Fighter, and it helps to visualize the mind-boggling depths of the worlds deepest oil well, which is located in a remote corner of eastern Russia. Their chief innovation was that, instead of turning the drill bit by rotating the stem, in the Kola well the bit alone was turned by the flow of drilling mud. Unfortunately, at this depth the drillers struck liquid sulfur, which put an end to plans to continue drilling. The squiggly lines on the cross section are unconformities. https://wordpress.com/post/debunkhouse.wordpress.com/6995 I suppose molten sulfur would count as economic basement. [3], According to publicly available well records from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, the Bertha Rogers hole ceased production of natural gas in July 1997 and has since been plugged and abandoned. Describing cable tool operations, he explained that the basic principle of well fishing tools often involved milled wedges on a spear or in a cylinder for recovering lost tubing or casing. However, valuable core samples were obtained and a lot was learned about deep sea drilling. Slow moving currents in the layers under the crust push the plates around the planet over time. If buried deep enough the sulfur will undoubtedly melt naturally. I worked for Enserch from 1981-1997. Drilling stopped there at six miles (9.65 kilometers) when the bit hit molten sulfur. Dinosaur carcasses are (rarely) found in marine sedimentary deposits (including shales), presumably after coming down a river or possibly washed out to sea by hurricanes or tsunamis. wildcat well to a depth of 31,441 feet (9,583 m) in Beckham County, Okla., in the Anadarko basin. These are the sorts of things that one learns when one studies a science like Geology. Any place where materials from uphill are deposited becomes a sediment. Lindquist, Sandra J. Uploaded on June 12, 2010. It was completed as as gas well in the Granite Wash at about 13,000. But also keep in mind that the places where oil and gas are recovered are not the source of the material, but simply a place where the right conditions exist to trap a large amount of it as it percolates upwards . The shallow water Lower Tertiary gas discovery at Davy Jones is well out of the oil window, but in the gas window and has never produced anything. During some of these processes, the whole continent was compressed and the lands lifted up, and what had been inland sea and deep areas of sediment got lifted miles up. There is no need for you to reply. Fracking of course is a method to make it possible to produce oil and gas from rocks that hold it, but are not porous/permeable enough to release it readily. P.S. After all, the purpose of Rosneft and Exxon was to pump oil, not see how far they can go into the ground: a feat in which serious challenges abound. However nearby hydrothermal vents with little to no sediment cover (rises) do not exhibit evidence of hydrothermal oil.. Cracking is the breakdown of a large alkane into smaller, more useful alkenes. In percussion drilling, the heavy cable-tool assembly could get jammed in the borehole and could no longer be repeatedly lifted and dropped. Coral Reefs are Dying Because of Climate Change, Coal Pollution Can Be Seen Pouring From Power Plant Smokestacks, Greenland Ice Loss Will Cause Dangerous Sea Level Rise, Sea Level Rise is Accelerating Dramatically, The Global Temperature Record Says We Are in a Climate Emergency, The 130-Degree F Reading in Death Valley Is A World Record, Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest was Driven by Climate Change. Its not subduction. According to Lone Star Producing Company, the bottom hole pressure and temperature were an estimated 24,850 pounds per square inch and 475 degrees Fahrenheit respectively. Where applicable, the oil has been dated and matched to geochemically consistent kerogen in source rocks. The geothermal gradient is highly variable. What I was getting at is that, as deep as the deepest producing wells are, the place where the original sediment exists is even deeper. We might see some day a well whose true vertical depth is indeed almost 50,000 feet. First, define the approachof each thinker and then compare and.
2) No reasonable explanation for why hypothesized abiotic oil production would have peaked 70-200 Ma ago and declined since then. The second drilling campaign at the Chayvo field, located offshore Sakhalin Island, targeted a new reservoir zone using extended-reach wells from onshore. The overriding factor is economics which is frighteningly skewed today in the world of wind and solar. This can drop the rocks 20 plus km, which means its possible to have 20 km thick pile of sediment under 2 km of water. This process requires high temperatures and high pressure.[1]. Last Updated: December 26, 2022. Your Amazon purchase benefits the American Oil & Gas Historical Society. And just as compression can uplift the land, at other times this compression may slacked, and the uplifted terrain then gets stretched out and drops. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Western US was a place where a long period of erosion had worn the land down below sea level in spots, and there existed a feature called an inland sea. Despite drillers trying to avoid having expensive tools jammed deep in the well, accidents happened. It has been directly answered several times. The trouble is the ambiguity of Measured Depth, which is really the length of the bore and only vaguely linked to actual depth. Basins can form through mechanisms other than subduction. Join in! It has nothing to do with oil formation, although it is one of the ways that large amounts of potential source material has been lost. The Earths crust is broken into many smaller plates that slide very slowly over a more mobile or plastic material called the asthenosphere. The most slots on a fixed platform (the largest category) in the Gulf of Mexico (US OCS) is 62 on the Mississippi Canyon 194 Cognac facility in 1,023 WD. For more information, contact bawells@aoghs.org. Horizontal drilling and fracing have enabled the direct production of oil from this source rock. The same goes for shale. This mud log sample shows drilling rate and lithology from 4700 ft to . The well was halted because it struck molten sulfur. Even deeper oil reservoirs have been discovered in the oil window, many of these will be coming on production over the next few years. If it's that water boiling hot deep down the well, why not turn it into geothermal energy generator? How deep into the ground do we have to go to tap the resources we need to keep the lights on? Around the Caspian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico sedimentary basins are over 15,000m deep. This is perhaps the most geologically ignorant sentence I have ever read. Gordon, when mountain ranges erode away and get left in various places on the way to the sea, it is more commonly by water and ice, than by wind. This motion is typically a few inches per year. New ocean crust is always forming at the undersea places called mid-ocean ridges. David Middleton, thank you for your very comprehensive, informative reply. By true vertical depth: Bertha Rogers No. Its safe to assume that over these past ten years, the average well depth has only increased from there. Rough schematic comparing relative dimensions of earth's crustal thickness, depth of the Kola well, and height of Mt. Other times the whole area was lifted up by compressional forces when continents collided, which is what raised the mountains to begin with. There is also narrow basins with thick sediments along much of the coasts of the Atlantic. In. Since then, numerous gas wells have been drilled there below the twenty thousand foot range, including the Lone Star Bertha Rogers in Beckham County. . She was a member of Jeter Chapel Baptist Church. Please, Saudi Aramco Is Very Optimistic About Oil Demand, Saudi Arabia Aims To Become The Worlds Fastest-Growing Economy In 2023, U.S. Natural Gas Demand Set To Climb As Cold Weather Closes In, Bullish Catalysts Are Mounting For Copper, Central Asias Glaciers Are Melting At Astonishing Rates, Gas Flowing To Freeport LNG, Restart Timeframe Unchanged, U.S. The tops of the extensive squall line were well over 10000ft above me! A shame that the fantastic achievements of this industry are ignored or dismissed by by so many, and of course especially by the [arts-dominated] mainstream media. The fact that ExxonMobil geos identified the oil rims from seismic anomalies (multiple flat-spots) with sufficient confidence that they got the Chayvo-6A well drilled is possibly the most impressive thing. Wow! David opens our eyes. Look around at the surrounding ranges. We had a five man crew. Sixty years ago, I worked as a floor hand on daylights when the worlds deepest well hit the bottom at 24,0002 feet in dark gray Hunton shale. Since then, numerous gas wells have been drilled there below the twenty thousand foot range, including the Lone Star Bertha Rogers in Beckham County. If so, then please explain the geological process by which sediments form above sea level, excluding the minor contribution of wind-born sand and dust. On April 13, 1974, Bertha Rogers No. Culminating long chapter was CAGW, vetted by Prof Lindzen of MIT just weeks before he retired. Some material from contributors may contain additional copyrights of their respective company or organization. The ultra-deepwater Lower Tertiary oil discoveries are well within the oil window. The very low INDICATED sedimentation depth in the oceans far removed from the continental shelves must be the result of both seafloor spreading and subduction, and neither process occurs is the areas of deep red (greatest vertical depth of sediment) indicated in the NOAA plot: the Gulf of Mexico and the western part of the Indian Ocean. Some of my favorites are the high speed filming of lightning, and the ones showing clouds from space, where red sprites and blue jets and such are visible. Bertha Rogers technically wasnt a dry hole. David, thank you very much for the bar chart graphics from Grunau and Klemme & Ulmeshek. Excellence-Driven
Saint Helens, I say Saudia Arabia peninsula. It conducts heat away from the substrata toward the surface. Measured depth is basically how far the well was drilled. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/03/11/another-failed-energy-prediction-peak-oil-demand/, Subduction and burial (i.e., sedimentation) are two completely different processes. Its more like a very large trampoline where rivers dump enormous amounts of sand and mud, driving it down with their weight. The dinosaurs must have met the Methane coming on the way up. It was the deepest hole in the world until it was surpassed by a well in the Soviet Union several years later, Dorman reports. As I think the author hints,, don't become too infatuated with the technology because it's expensive. Promised rewards lying beyond the threshold of drilling techniques demand massive investment. I was not aware Larry had launched a new extreme sports craze, although it seemed to be a more recent development. Contact Us
I know where oil does not come from, plants and dinosaurs at 40,000 feet. Day noted that the simpler types of fishing tools comprised horn sockets, corrugated friction sockets, rope grabs, rope spears, bit hooks, spuds, whipstocks, fluted wedges, rasps, bell sockets, rope knives, boot jacks, casing knives and die nipples.. Germantown, TN 38138
One of the more interesting was the Lone Star Producing Companys Bertha Rogers #1 in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma. Other than oil & gas, what do you think occupies the pore space in sedimentary rocks?. Nicholas McGinley, thank you for your patient, in-depth explanations that have educated me, the a freshman geology student, with no understanding of geology. World record for a hot air balloon flight 21,000ft Er wrong, by a factor of more than 3! The drilling was started October 25, 1972 and it took Lone Star a little over a year and a half to reach 31,441 feet (9,583 m) on April 13, 1974. Has any oil sample been found to scientifically date to prior to the beginning of the Triassic period, approx. Engineers tend towards MD because thats where things actually are in the wellbore. If you believe that water fills the pore space, how could you also think this? There are some very interesting videos of large storms on you tube. Are they against the benefits fuel does for people? This enables reservoir quality rocks to exist at deeper depths than previously expected. The structure of the deep Earth is studied today by means that are more indirect. Since that strain was always to the left, the die gradually cut a thread in the stuck cable tool. For example here is a cell dynamics video I randomly selected. The first oil well drilled in Texas in 1866 was a little over 100 feet deep: the No 1 Isaac C. Skillern struck oil at a depth that, from todays perspective, is ridiculously shallow. It produced until 1997. Is hitting molten sulfur common? Unfortunately, not all news sources on the internet are familiar with it, so if you Google the worlds deepest oil field, the top results will tell you its either the O-14 or one of its Chayvo predecessors. As I too get older and my kids are growing up, this is a key question. The Hugoton Embayment of the Anadarko Basin is 5,000 feet vertical TD. Setting aside the fact that the oil & gas havent been trapped anywhere for 400 million years What does gravity have to do with oil & gas migrating upward? The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change, This eye-catching blog post was published in 2017 by Fuel Fighter. Long wells arent deep wells. I was just looking at one report of a storm near the Texas Mexico border than reached 75,000. It would depend on how the molten sulfur was sampled. 1 well have been carried out: total organic carbon, Soxhlet extraction and silica gel chromatography, C15+ saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, pyrolysis, kerogen analysis, X-ray diffraction and visual kerogen analysis. The average number of slots on a fixed platform in the Gulf is 8. including Medicare and Medicaid. It's possible to draw a reasonable cross section of the earth based purely on remote geophysical (largely seismic) methods, but unless on-the-spot checks can be made, there will always be a certain amount of guesswork involved. Athletics
The most on a shelf fixed platform is 60 on Grand Isle 17 in 55 water depth. Just-So stories in the garb of hypotheses support many current theories. Commercial aviation, the natural progression for older fighter pilots, presented its own challenges mostly the enormous responsibility of having close to 400 souls counting on my experience and judgement every time I went to work. However, if hydrocarbons (both gas and liquid) tend to percolate/migrate upward against gravity, as others have mentioned, one wonders what mechanism/geology is so effective at preventing gas diffusion for as long as 400 million years? Our dialogue is finished. Keep piling the sediments on and the crust below sinks. Am I still allowed to use a lighter to light my cigarette or do I need to go back to matches? Screams in the deepest borehole. New patients are welcome. The drilling was started October 25, 1972 and it took Lone Star a little over a year and a half to reach 31,441 feet (9,583 m) on April 13, 1974. Reminds me of We will travel 20,000 leagues under the sea!. Website Name: American Oil & Gas Historical Society. We're home to five men's and six women's athletics teams and a variety of intramural sports opportunities. The Anadarko Basin extends across western Oklahoma into the Texas Panhandle and into southwestern Kansas and southeastern Colorado. I was going to check on those others, figuring they may all be wrong. Memphis, TN 38104
She was a member of the Church of God Pentecostal, Shippensburg. On Russia's Kola Peninsula, near the Norwegian border at about the same latitude as Prudhoe Bay, the Soviets have been drilling a well since 1970. I do remember reading about the deepest hole ever drilled, and how it turned out to be a huge waste of money, but not sure if this was the same project? Or at least, ALSO of abiotic nature. Citation formats. On the rig floor, fishing tools had to be lowered by a line into the well, armed at their end with spears, clamps and hooks. In this manner, they were able to eliminate rotation of the entire drill string above. These descriptions of the Greenhouse Effect all evade the key question of heat transfer., http://geologist-1011.net/net/greenhouse/. You had to stand spraddle-legged all the time to prevent getting your foot/ankle being cut off when the tripple fell and hit the derrick floor. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DFHtvDA0W34I&ved=2ahUKEwj73Ky8897hAhVDmIsKHbfZCfAQwqsBMAB6BAgGEAU&usg=AOvVaw3fMJb2nOZzbkk6cRpI1kqX. David Middleton posted: In addition to the important bearing that this discovery has on the general geophysical sciences, there is a potential economic impact. Drilling usually would continue into the night, illuminated by two-wicked yellow dog lanterns. Deeper wells have been drilled for natural gas. To fish for stuck tools, these were lowered in well, armed at their end with a die with a left-hand thread cut in it. There is a lot of native sulfur in Gulf sediments. I dont give energy back to the gas & electric companies in exchange for them being nice enough to heat and light my home. And over long periods of time, the plates can smash into each other, or be ripped apart, etc. The Bakken formation lies between 4500 ft. to 11,000 ft. with the Three Forks formation below it. To effectively drain the east and west flanks of this reservoir, record-length wells beyond the current extended reach drilling (ERD) envelope were required. 2022 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. These are the sort of questions that spur invention and lead to groundbreaking discoveries. For now, the deepest man-made hole in North America is the Bertha Rogers oil well in Oklahoma. David is ignorant and uninterested concerning the geological paradoxes. The conditions for source rock formation were most prevalent in the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. hard to believe there has been that much vertical movement in Earths surface? Union's variety of organizations, events and sports offers something for everyone. Its Abiotic, Rockefeller had his hand in creating the label, Fossil Fuel Nonsense.
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