Summaries A psychopath forces a tennis star to comply with his theory that two strangers can get away with murder. "[23], Burks considered his fourteen years with Hitchcock the best of his career: "You never have any trouble with him as long as you know your job and do it. # travel # wine # glass of wine # modern love # train travel. The laying bare of Bruno's hidden nature, along with the great set pieces (head-turning tennis match, disintegrating carousel) and suspense as only Hitchcock can deliver, makes for a first-class trip. Guy is suspended between tennis and politics, between his tramp wife and his senator's daughter, and Bruno is seeking desperately to establish an identity through violent, outr actions and flamboyance (shoes, lobster-patterned tie, name proclaimed to the world on his tiepin). Co-adapted by Raymond Chandler from a novel by Patricia Highsmith, Strangers on a Train perfectly exemplifies Hitchcock's favorite theme of the evil that lurks just below the surface of everyday life and ordinary men.CREDITS:TM \u0026 Warner Bros. (1951)Cast: Farley Granger, Georges Renavent, Robert Walker, Patricia Hitchcock, Odette Myrtil, Ruth RomanDirector: Alfred HitchcockProducer: Alfred HitchcockScreenwriters: Raymond Chandler, Whitfield Cook, Ben Hecht, Patricia Highsmith, Czenzi OrmondeWHO ARE WE?The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. they're now both behind bars as he says, "You've got me acting like I'm a
face, and Guy stands to his right, outside the gate. [22] "Low-keyed, mild mannered", Burks was "a versatile risk-taker with a penchant for moody atmosphere. The final scene of the so-called "American" version of this movie had Barbara and Anne Morton waiting for Guy to call on the telephone. Alfred Hitchcock loved trains. Between the two versions of the film, the "British" version most prominently omits the final scene on the train. It was shot in the autumn of 1950 and released by Warner Bros. on June 30, 1951, starring Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, and Robert Walker . As Guy listens with detached amusement, Bruno discusses the theory of \"exchange murders.\" Suppose that Bruno were to murder Guy's wife, and Guy in exchange were to kill Bruno's father? criminal.". used to finish his final film, "My Son John.") Diabolique, intriguing, morally ambiguous and wonderfully directed and narrated. [24] Exteriors would be shot on both coasts, and interiors on Warner Brothers' soundstages. A film of noir moments galore. Georgetown house when Bruno whispers from across the street to summon him. The emotionally-imblanced and immature Bruno expresses his feelings and Guy his problems in a chit chat. He has no patience with mediocrity on the set or at a dinner table. Hitchcock had written exacting specifications for an amusement park, which was constructed on the ranch of director Rowland Lee in Chatsworth, California. [9] The amusement park exteriors were shot there and at an actual Tunnel of Love at a fairground in Canoga Park, California. Strangers on a Train Blu-ray, Special Features and Extras: Commentary by Peter Bogdanovich, Peter Benchley, Alfred Hitchcock and many more. While he had previous Hitchcock experience on Shadow of a Doubt (1943), and would go on to score two more consecutive Hitchcock films, the director and composer "simply never developed much of a kinship"[8] and "the Hitchcock films are not Tiomkin's best". Next shot. "He had to have one person in each film he could harass," Granger said. Talented Mr. Ripley," made into a 1999 movie in which her criminal hero
Fast, exciting, and woven with wicked style, this is one of Hitchcock's most efficient and ruthlessly delicious thrillers. Walker's role has extreme color, and he projects it deftly. The film's opening conversation scene on the train is like a tennis match in which Guy serves up one weak lob after another for Bruno to put sway. He told the obscure writer that the famous one hadn't written a solitary line he intended to use, and they would have to start all over on page one, using Cook's treatment as a guide. [36] Although that account continues to be published in books to this day, "it just wasn't true", according to Patricia Hitchcock O'Connell. strangers on a train. One of my top 50 movies, never seen on a big screen. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. One of the most popular psychological crime thrillers that Hitchcock ever made is definitely Strangers on a Train, the master's adaptation of crime novelist Patricia Highsmith's debut novel that hit theaters back in 1951.Even though a lot of film scholars over the years considered the movie at least to a degree inferior to Hitchcock's landmark films such as Vertigo or Rear Window, this . As usual, Hitchcock kept his name out of the negotiations to keep the purchase price low. A 1951 Psychological Thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, based on a novel of the same name by Patricia Highsmith (of Ripliad fame), starring Farley Granger and Robert Walker. In the novel, Guy Haines is not a tennis player, but rather a promising architect, and he does indeed go through with the murder of Bruno's father. "Me, I never do anything important." in a public fight with her earlier on the day of her death, and even told his fiance
[41] He was also photographed adding the letter L to Strangers on the official studio poster for the film,[26] thus changing the word to Stranglers. Strangers On A Train, a masterpiece, presented here in a finely produced HD release. Guy takes this as a joke, but Bruno is serious and takes things into his own hands. Bruno mentions Guy's missing cigarette lighter to Anne and claims that Guy asked him to search the murder site for it. 'If the man had raised his head even slightly", Hitchcock said, "it would have gone from being a suspense film into a horror film. Amateur tennis star Guy Haines wants to divorce his promiscuous wife Miriam so he can marry Anne Morton, the daughter of a US Senator. Bruno sends Guy a package containing a pistol, a house key, and a map showing the location of his father's bedroom. Morton (Ruth Roman), the daughter of a U.S. senator. Hitchcock had a crew shoot background footage of the 1950 Davis Cup finals held August 2527, 1950 at the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills, New York. Some people are better off dead.") The first encounter between Bruno and Guy on the train is longer, and features a more obvious homoerotic flirtation by Bruno; In the scene where Guy sneaks out of his apartment to go to Bruno's house, a shot of him opening a drawer to get the map Bruno sketched is added; The very last scene in the US version, which involves a clergyman, was deleted. Her suspicions aroused, Anne confronts Guy, who tells her the truth about Bruno's scheme. there would be no possible connection between killer and victim. The director told Ormonde to forget all about the book, then told her the story of the film himself, from beginning to end. Perhaps there will be those in the audience who will likewise be terrified by the villain's darkly menacing warnings and by Mr. Hitchcock's sleekly melodramatic tricks. At first glance, Guy represents the ordered life where people stick to rules, while Bruno comes from the world of chaos,[49] where they get thrown out of multiple colleges for drinking and gambling. [70], Strangers on a Train was adapted for the radio program Lux Radio Theatre on two occasions: on December 3, 1951, with Ruth Roman, Frank Lovejoy, and Ray Milland, and on April 12, 1954, with Virginia Mayo, Dana Andrews, and Robert Cummings.[44]. "[44], The film includes a number of puns and visual metaphors that demonstrate a running motif of crisscross, double-crossing, and crossing one's double. place from Highsmith, whose novels have been unfairly shelved with crime
Buy it! in front of Guy's house, and he quickly moves behind the gate with Bruno;
By month's end, they were back in California. [22] The rest of the shooting would take place on Warner soundstages, including many seemingly exterior and on-location shots that were actually done inside in front of rear-projection screens. Unfortunately, that was about it. homosexuality still dared not speak its name very loudly in 1951, Hitchcock was
Guy is offended by
said in Francois Truffaut's book-length interview that he didn't much like
I've been hearing about this movie recently and decided to give it a go, and I'm so glad I did! One gets the feeling of a closeted homosexual constantly coming onto Guy. Add on for my new cinema room setup. "[61], In contrast, modern reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. There can be no compromise in his work, his food or his wines. One studio press release gave rise to a myth that still lingers on today. [52], Nowhere is this more evident than the scene where Guy arrives home at his D.C. apartment to find Bruno lurking across the street; Bruno killed Miriam that evening in Metcalf, and has her glasses to give to Guy almost as a "receipt" that he has executed his part of their "deal". Bruno follows Guy around Washington, introduces himself to Anne, and appears at a party at Senator Morton's house. Senator Morton: She was a human being. Patricia Hitchcock and Kasey Rogers look a little alike and wear very
Disc1 contains the movie in a good looking & sounding print with optional subtitles + French & Italian language versions and has a very good,entertaining commentary with various people talking about the film, book and much else, with the highlight for 'Hitchophiles' being interview segments of director & Hitchcock biographer Peter Bogdanovich questioning the man himself. "[13] In the novel, Guy is pursued and entrapped by a tenacious detective.[17]. Now look at how Alfred Hitchcock reinforces the duality of human nature. It's worth noticing that
Haines, a famous tennis player, is recognized on a train by Bruno Anthony,
"Shadow of a Doubt"), and its appeal is probably the linking of an
Granger is excellent as the harassed young man innocently involved in murder. Hitchcock's biggest changes were in his two lead characters: The character called Bruno Antony in the film is called Charles Anthony Bruno in the book. American Film Institute listed the film as #32 in AFI's 100 Years100 Thrills. audiences would sense qualities in the actors that didn't need to be spelled
Once on the train, Bruno orders a pair of double drinks "The only kind of doubles I play", he says charmingly. "The scene gives a beautifully exact symbolic expression to Guy's relationship with Bruno and what he stands for. It is a twisting story of a male-on-male Robert Walker is uncanny. Guy, then, in a sense connives at the murder of his wife, and the enigmatic link between him and Bruno becomes clear.[51]. The unusual angle was a more complex proposition than it seems. This triggers a flashback; Bruno compulsively squeezes the woman's neck, and other guests intervene to stop him from strangling her to death. Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2022. [20], There was one point of agreement between Chandler and Hitchcock, although it would come only much later, near the release of the film: they both acknowledged that since virtually none of Chandler's work remained in the final script, his name should be removed from the credits. Hitchcock also cast Granger in "Rope" (1948), based on the
[56] In the movie, "Guy became a decent guy who refuses to carry out his part of the crazed bargain" writes Patrick McGilligan, "to head off the censors. "When Bruno openly suggests he would like to kill his wife, he merely grins and says 'That's a morbid thought,' but we sense the tension that underlies it. "[37] Bruno, who tells Guy on the train that he admires people "who do things", gets a more vigorous musical treatment from Tiomkin: "Harmonic complexity defines the motifs associated with Bruno: rumbling bass, shocking clusters, and glassy string harmonics. [9] Hitchcock had already shot the long shots for the tennis match at Forest Hills and would add closer shots with Granger and Jack Cushingham, Granger's tennis coach off-screen and Guy's tennis opponent Fred Reynolds on-screen at a tennis club in South Gate, California. His best performance and best casting. When Bruno arrives at the amusement park, a carnival worker recognizes him from the night of the murder; he informs the police, who think he has recognized Guy. Robert Walker performance benefits from a subtle tense urgency that perhaps
No matter how well a football team plays, the match has a fixed temporality. [12][15] Chandler took the job despite his opinion that it was "a silly little story. The U.S. Senate was busy investigating the suspicion that 'moral perverts' in the government were also undermining national security going so far as to commission a study, Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government. DVD Features: . He's endearing and menacing, intimate and unknowable. Although
To amuse another guest, Bruno playfully demonstrates how to strangle a woman. [4] "Granger is softer and more elusive, more convincing as he tries to slip out of Bruno's conversational web instead of flatly rejecting him. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 7, 2015, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 24, 2021, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 21, 2021, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Closed-captioned, NTSC, Full Screen, Black & White, English (Dolby Digital 1.0), Unqualified (DTS ES 6.1), French (Dolby Digital 1.0), Leo G. Carroll, Farley Granger, Hitchcock, Patricia, Lorne, Marion, Roman, Ruth. is crucial. compartment, Bruno reveals that he wants his father dead, and suggests a
Mysterious Bruno (Robert Walker) hates his father. Guy wants a divorce from his cheating wife, Miriam (Kasey Rogers), in order to marry Anne Morton (Ruth Roman), the daughter of a U.S. senator. Variety praised it, writing: "Performance-wise, the cast comes through strongly. "[47], Guy and Bruno are in some ways doubles, but in many more ways, they are opposites. [46], Hitchcock carries the theme into his editing, crosscutting between Guy and Bruno with words and gestures: one asks the time and the other, miles away, looks at his watch; one says in anger "I could strangle her!" Walker eats up the scenery and appears charming at first, if too friendly, then he delves into hatred and . She initially praised it, writing: "I am pleased in general. Guy and Anne coldly walk away from him. would have worked perfectly -- except for the detail that only one of the
ingenious plot with insinuating creepiness. 16793 GIFs. In a scene where Guy goes
So much occurs in pairs. Guy Haines, a famous tennis player, is recognized on a train by Bruno Anthony, whose conversation shows a detailed knowledge of Guy's private life. Hitchcock builds the conflict on this. Bruno orders with gusto and with an interest in what he is going to eat lamb chops, French fries, and chocolate ice cream. "[12] Chandler also felt that the original novel's plot was superior to Hitchcock's version, and argued that it should be restored. In accordance with the cautious censorship guidelines of the period, Hitchcock would later tame these elements of Walker's memorable performance by trimming and altering certain scenes, so the differences between the original and prerelease versions provide an illuminating illustration of censorship's effect on the story's thematic intensity. The more you watch, the more you'll see. + a very good 36 min documentary on the film ,a 7 min feature with 'murder victim' Laura Elliot, an 11 min 'Hitchcock family' feature and a 12min appreciation by director/fan M.Night Shyamalan- so all in all a good package of a film that's always worth another viewing,that's currently available at a good prices. Roman's role as a nice, understanding girl is a switch for her, and she makes it warmly effective. I n the latest Oscar Isaac vehicle, Mojave, director William Monaghan recycles the familiar tale of one man's seemingly chance encounter with a menacing stranger - a trope that was perfected more than six decades ago by Alfred Hitchcock in his 1951 masterpiece Strangers on a Train. Is he just lonely? Guy tries to persuade Bruno to seek psychiatric help, but Bruno threatens to punish Guy for breaking their deal. scene in the record store, writing something in a notebook. Closed-captioned, NTSC, Full Screen, Black & White. He's endearing and menacing, intimate and unknowable. As a plot, this has a neatness that Hitchcock must have found
The psychopath suggests that because they each want to "get rid" of someone, they should "exchange" murders, and that way neither will be caught. blurting out what everyone is afraid to say. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. (original music by) Cinematography by Robert Burks . excellent suspect because of the genius of the actual killer's original plan:
"[60] Leslie Halliwell felt that Hitchcock was "at his best" and that the film "makes superior suspense entertainment," but called the story "unsatisfactory. The novel has been adapted multiple times, most famously by Alfred Hitchcock in his 1951 film. The premise is fascinating because it was far more intricate than I had been led to believe. effective scene shows Guy floating in a little boat through the Tunnel of Love
[43] First of all, she was not up there alone: flanking her were the actors playing Miriam's two boyfriends "and I have a picture of us waving. A football match is always ninety minutes, stretched to thirty minutes extra and a possible penalty shoot-out at most. Sometime later, another stranger on a train attempts to strike up conversation with Guy in the same way as had Bruno. Co-adapted by Raymond Chandler from a novel by Patricia Highsmith, Strangers on a Train perfectly exemplifies Hitchcock's favorite theme of the evil that lurks just below the surface of. Beyond all the historical footnotes and film-buff fascination. [46], This doubling has some precedent in the novel; but more of it was deliberately added by Hitchcock, "dictated in rapid and inspired profusion to Czenzi Ormonde and Barbara Keon during the last days of script preparation. "[4], Warner Bros. wanted their own stars, already under contract, cast wherever possible. Hitchcock said that correct casting saved him "a reel of storytelling time", since audiences would sense qualities in the actors that did not have to be spelled out. How perfect for a playful proposal: I'll kill yours, you kill mine. where Guy scans the crowd at a tennis match and observes that all of the heads
Interesting more as an "intellectual exercise" than anything else, but indispensable for those interested in seeing how Hitchcock continued to shape his films after an initial cut. Actually, it's doubly fascinating. The original version (Side A) is an all-time thriller classic. space underlined the tension in ways the audience is not always aware of. Is he dishonest? [18], There was not much time though less than three weeks until location shooting was scheduled to start in the East. remains one of Hitchcock's crowning achievements and a suspenseful classic that never loses its capacity to thrill and delight. He narrowed the geographic scope to the Northeast corridor, between Washington, D.C. and New York the novel ranged through the southwest and Florida, among other locales. "[5], The two characters, Guy and Bruno, can be viewed as doppelgngers. Bruno wants to kill his father, but knows he will be caught because he has a motive. Guy meets with Miriam, who is pregnant by someone else, at her workplace in Metcalf, their hometown. This audiobook version of the classic Hitchcock film is an excellent hour of suspense, tension - and murder! ("he's stronger," he told Francois Truffaut), but Holden would have
He also showed intense interest in a seldom-considered detail of character delineation: food. He
[33], The explosion is triggered by the attempts of a carnival man to stop the ride after crawling under the whirling carousel deck to get to the controls in the center. there's the famous sequence involving a runaway merry-go-round, on which Guy
weaker characters, while the right is for characters who are either good, or
[48], Roger Ebert wrote that "it is this sense of two flawed characters one evil, one weak, with an unstated sexual tension that makes the movie intriguing and halfway plausible, and explains how Bruno could come so close to carrying out his plan."[4]. He found exactly what he needed right on the Warners lot in the person of staff cameraman Robert Burks, who would continue to work with Hitchcock, shooting every Hitchcock picture through to Marnie (1964), with the exception of Psycho. The merry-go-round scene is not in the book, but is taken from the climax of Edmund Crispin's 1946 novel The Moving Toyshop. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Brilliant. The story concerns two strangers who meet on a train, one of whom is a psychopath who suggests that they "exchange" murders so that neither will be caught. the references to his private life, but inexplicably doesn't break off the
The worker who called the police tells them that Bruno, not Guy, is the one he remembers seeing the night of the murder. helps explain how Bruno could come so close to carrying out his plan. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Tennis star Guy (Farley Granger) hates his unfaithful wife. He got a treatment that pleased him on the second attempt, from writer Whitfield Cook, who wove a homoerotic subtext into the story. An early preview edit of the film, sometimes labeled the "British" version although it was never released in Britain or anywhere else, includes some scenes either not in, or else different from, the film as released. sexual tension -- that makes the movie intriguing and halfway plausible, and
Built on the cummins singapore email address, Animal Adventure Little Luxuries Premium 38 Jumbo Plush Dino. his identity and lifestyle. The aestheticizing of the horror somehow enables the audience to contemplate more fully its reality. Believing that Guy is trying to escape, a police officer shoots at him, but instead kills the carousel operator, causing the carousel to spin out of control. (SD; 7:22) focuses on Kasey Rogers, who performed under the name Laura Elliot in the film; Strangers on a Train: An Appreciation by M. Night Shyamalan (SD; 12:46) has the director espousing his love for Hitch and the film; The Hitchcocks on Hitch (SD; 11:20) features Hitch's daughter and granddaughter talking about Hitch. Walker plays Bruno as
Cast & Crew Read More Alfred Hitchcock Director Farley Granger Guy Haines Mr. Granger appears by arrangement with Samuel Goldwyn Ruth Roman Anne Morton Robert Walker Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2007. After winning a tennis match, Guy evades the police escort and heads for the amusement park to stop Bruno. That carousel scene was not faked! + a trailer. Let me remind you that even the most unworthy of us has a right to life and the pursuit of happiness. Theatrical Trailer (SD; 2:34). Robert Walker plays a psychopathic murderer that is an apathetic rich boy with a lust for the eccentric. Two strangers will "exchange murders," each killing the person the other
similar eyeglasses; Bruno is playfully demonstrating strangling techniques at a
[12], Hitchcock then tried Raymond Chandler, who had earned an Oscar nomination for his first screenplay, Double Indemnity, in collaboration with Billy Wilder. The psychological game that Bruno plays on Guy is to force him to kill Bruno's over-bearing father. The creepiness factor holds up very well. "Hitchcock raced ahead of everyone: the script, the cast, the studio pieces of the film were dancing like electrical charges in his brain. Together the three women, working under the boss's guidance and late into most nights,[17] finished enough of the script in time to send the company East. Leopold-Loeb case; it was another story about a murder pact with a homosexual
See Appendix 1, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, (1995) 15:sup1, 131 p 31 DOI: 10.1080/01439689508604551, Warner Bros. press release #HO9-1251, November 30, 1950, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, introducing citations to additional sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Influence on Carol Burnett's Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, "Armchair Audience: The Moving Toyshop (1946)", "The Screen In Review; 'Strangers on a Train,' Another Hitchcock Venture, Arrives at the Warner Theatre", "My Favourite Hitchcock: Strangers on a Train", "Two Men Inspired By 'Throw Momma from the Train' Fail To Get Away With Murder", "David Fincher, 'Strangers on a Train,' and the Tricky Business of Remaking Hitchcock", German Concentration Camps Factual Survey, Alfred Hitchcock: The Art of Making Movies, Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho,, Films based on works by Patricia Highsmith, Films with screenplays by Raymond Chandler, United States National Film Registry films, Articles needing additional references from June 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles lacking reliable references from June 2022, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 17:53. [19] Hitchcock preferred the writing credit of Whitfield Cook and Czenzi Ormonde, but Warner Bros. wanted the cachet of the Chandler name and insisted it stay on. The film initially received mixed reviews but has since been regarded much more favorably. Granger
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