A cheetah could just leap across. Jasiri: The Roar can handle it. I thought I could solve all of our problems myself, but I was wrong. Janja: Kion: It seems they couldn't keep up. Fortunately the nearby Smokejumpers Grill in Grizzly Peak Airfield is ready with some new drinks to quench your thirst, and a new Bacon Cheeseburger Loaded Fries plate as well if you need a nibble. And the Night Pride could use our help. Bunga: Another unexpected fall? Bunga tells him that Binga has made him a good friend and Beshte tells him that he made lots of friends around the Tree of Life. Source (Roaring) It is simply that cheetahs and water do not get along. So has Binga. And now Zira's son, Kovu, and daughter, Vitani, are fully grown. Azaad: We had some great adventures Rani: Explore. Arriving at the desert, Kion roars at the sandstorm to clear the way for the group. Doesn't matter! Tokyo Disneyland Disney Dreams! This is my place in the Circle of Life. Beshte: I do prefer my adventures to be less soggy, but I am pleased to having this adventure with you. Rani: (As you move on) You don't slow down Rani: You don't need anyone's help. Now, let's keep going. Kion devises a plan to find Zira and stop her from destroying the Pride Lands as the Lion Guard, along with Azaad, Janja, and Jasiri, continue their journey to stop Zira and the Outlanders. "Call of the Drongo" "Paintings and Predictions" "The Mbali Fields Migration" "Bunga and the King" "The Imaginary Okapi" "Too Many Termites" "The Trouble With Galagos" "Janja's New Crew" "Baboons!" Don't worry, Janja. (Bunga gets up and Jasiri looks at him) Oh, yeah, I forgot. Hope you two don't mind getting wet. Fuli: Musical: Lioness Hunt Rafiki Mourns One by One Grasslands Chant Chow Down The Madness of King Scar Shadowland Endless Night Simba Confronts Scar "Pig-Malion" "Why No Rhino" "War Hogs" "The Big No Sleep" "Common Scents" "Mister Twister" "Don't Be Elfish" "Lights, Camera, Traction" "The Running of the Bullies" "Special Defects" "Wishy Washy" "Ice Escapades" "Guru-Some" "Jailhouse Shock" "Nearly Departed" "Early Bird Watchers" "The Spy's the Limit" "Ready, Aim, Fire" "Timoncchio" "Ghost Boosters" "Stay Away from my Honey!" Planning to cross the ravine, Kion uses the Roar to help Bunga get past it. Everyone, stay behind me. Fuli: But you roared those lions all the way out of the Outlands. Bunga: Stop roaring! "The Queen's Visit" "The Fall of Mizimu Grove" "Fire from the Sky" (Everyone walks in the marsh and Beshte gets stuck) That was fun. View source History Talk (0) Info. Kion: Season One: "Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots" "The Rise of Makuu" ""Bunga the Wise" "Can't Wait to be Queen" "Eye of the Beholder" "The Kupatana Celebration" "Fuli's New Family" "The Search for Utamu" "Follow That Hippo!" Ono, Beshte, see if you can fix the rock wall. (Makini hugs Beshte) Oh, yeah! Bunga: We made it. (Music ends) Thank you, Azaad. (Rani and Kion frolic through the grass There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside CLUE. After going through the canyon, Azaad explains that the Guard must cross the ravine to which he explains that a cheetah could leap across, as the nearest land bridge could take days to cross the ravine. Azaad: Talking to Queen Rani, she tells her mate that Kion makes a good team with the Night Pride to which he explains both the Lion Guard and the Night Pride both work together to protect animals and fend off enemies. Printed Media: Uru Ahadi Kopa Boma Kula Zuzu Joka Lulu Okay, now, we're going to ride that tree down the river. "Journey to the Pride Lands" is the eighteenth episode of Season 3 of The Lion Guard. I know how to set the mood. Feel the Magic Festival of Family & Friends Festival of the Lion King Hakuna Matata Time Dance Party It's Party Time with Mickey and Friends Mickey and the Magician Mickey and the Wondrous Book Mickey's Gift of Dreams Mickey's Magical Music World Once Upon a Mouse Rivers of Light: We Are One The Golden Mickeys The Legend of the Lion King Villains Tonight! Anga: Kion: Rani: Not the way of the hippo. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Renders . (Everyone hops off of the log) The Lion Guard: Call of the Guard A Beautiful Day (Ni Siku Nzuri) Zuka Zama Tonight We Strike Kion's Lament It is Time Here Comes the Lion Guard We're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa) Don't Make a Stink Bunga the Wise Duties of the King Outta the Way Jackal Style Our Kupatana Community My Own Way Utamu All Hail The Vultures Hero Inside Bird of a Thousand Voices Panic and Run Trail to Hope Life in the Pride Lands We'll Make You a Meal Find Your Roar Chungu's Lament Baboons Beware of the Zimwi Lions Over All Stand Up, Stand Out Kuishi Ni Kucheka Running with the King Hadithi the Hero Makin' Hippo Lanes Tickbirds and Rhinos Teke Ruka Teleza Everyone is Welcome The Traveling Baboon Show A Real Meal Fujo The Path of Honor Bring Back a Legend Today is my Day I Have A Plan Gotta Look on the Bright Side The Worst Hyena We Know May There Be Peace Big Bad Kenge Christmas in the Pride Lands The Twelve Ways of Christmas I Do Have a Great Deal to Say Fabulous Dhahabu Give a Little Guy a Chance We're the Smartest Good King Simba The Faster I Go I'm Gonna Run This Dump Now You See Me, Now You Don't Wisdom on the Walls He's The Zebra Mastermind Kwetu Ni Kwetu Nothin' to Fear Down Here Shujaa Ponda Pride Landers Unite! The Lion King Family Tree, Entertainment: Animagique Disney's Believe Disney's Wishes Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic Disney KiteTails Fantasmic! Bunga: Kion: Pride Rock/Gallery/Journey to the Pride Lands < Pride Rock | Gallery View source Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Janja: (The scene transitions and everyone goes to a canyon) Keep them all running in one direction! "I Don't Bolivia" "Shopping Mauled" "Library Brouhaha" "Catch Me if You Kenya" "Scent of the South" "Monster Massachusetts" "Handle with Caribbean" "Forbidden Pumbaa" "Washington Applesauce" "Alcatraz Mataz" "Oahu Wahoo" "I Think I Canada" "Zazu's Off Day Off" "Beast of Eden" "Sense & Senegambia" "Timon on the Range" "The Man from J.U.N.G.L.E." Rani: King? The Lion Guard, along with Azaad, Jasiri, and Janja, decide to return to the Pride Lands to stop Zira from ruling the Pride Lands. Mufasa: Meanwhile at the riverbed, Azaad tells the group to follow the riverbed through its mouth to which Kion decides to do cross the riverbed before sunset. Before planning to return to the Pride Lands, Rani tells them that Kion could stay at the Tree of Life to protect animals from danger. It's Zira. The Lion King 1: Ma Uncle Max Iron Joe Meerkat Colony "Mibinamet!" Come on, move it! The Lion Guard then follows Azaad to continue their journey to the Pride Lands. Fandom Cortex RPG Muthead Futhead Fanatical What is Fandom? And a great queen could use a great king, like you. Gallery The Pride Lands The Pride Lands at sunrise Simba and Kiara overlooking the Pride Lands Storm clouds moving in over the Pride lands Simba and Nala look over the Pridelands during Scar 's reign The Pride Lands in ruins during Scar's reign Kion: Today. Fuli is concerned that if Kion really wants to stay in the Tree of Life instead of returning to the Pride Lands to which Kion explains that there is peace in his hometown telling them that the Night Pride could use their help after befriending Rani. So, Kion. We are not far from the Pride Lands now. Happy Leslie Lambeau Mr. Buttons Sharla Warthog Sounder Herman Lara Mel Claudius Bahuka Tutan Pharaoh Genie Madame Credenza Duke Meerkat Tatiana Mother Eagle Baby Earl King Leopold Princess Claudia Sigmund and Lloyd Heimlich and Schnitzel Mad Dog McGraw, Billy the Goat, and Three-fingered Jackelope Dr. Exeter Sal Mander Jungle Inspector Bigfoot Pimon and Tumbaa "Nowaza, nowaza, nowaza" Yes, I got it. Anga: Ono? up! (Anga uses her vision and sees the klipspringers and hyraxes) The klipspringers They're right in the path of the water! Jasiri: Azaad: Yep. Remake: Dembe, Season One: "Boara Boara" "Saskatchewan Catch" "Kenya Be My Friend?" Trending pages Journey to the Pride Lands/Gallery Kion/Gallery/Journey to the Pride Lands Jasiri/Gallery/Journey to the Pride Lands (All Gasp) (Ullu shows up and lands) (Hoots) Queen Rani, Lion Guard. (Bunga tries to help Beshte but struggles) After fixing the wall, Kion apologizes that he should have decided which decision to take get to the Pride Lands as the animals suddenly arrive at the Outlands. (Azaad stands behind Kion) Fuli: Kion: Kion then warns Fuli that Zira and the Outlanders may have started attacking the Pridelanders as the Guard must arrive to the Pride Lands before the kingdom falls. Yes, Fuli? Kion: I know. Jasiri explains to the Lion Guard, along with Rani and Makini, that the reason why they arrived at the Tree of Life is because of Zira leading an army to attack the Pridelanders beginning a war between them. (Rani touches Kion's main and messes it up) How are we so different and still so much the same? Kion: Mickey's Soundsational Parade Mickey's Storybook Express The Lion King Celebration The Wonderful World of Disney Parade Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams Azaad? Kion: (Looking shyly at him then away) Affirmative. Kion then crosses it using the Roar to bring himself to reach the other side while Ono and Anga fly to cross it. On it. What do you think, Azaad? Rani: (Rani and Kion hop off of the log) 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear, we're of the same pride Planning to cross the ravine, Kion uses the Roar to help Bunga get past it. But of course. Musical: Lioness Hunt Rafiki Mourns One by One Grasslands Chant Chow Down The Madness of King Scar Shadowland Endless Night Simba Confronts Scar (Roaring) Ono, any luck? Fuli: Hmm. Oh, good one, Kion. Riding on the tree down the river to a waterfall, the animals continue their journey to the Pride Lands while traveling through sunset. 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear, we're of the same pride (Rani and Kion walk outside of the Tree of Life) Okay. So, stand back. The Lion Guard then bids a farewell to Makini to resume her duty as Royal Mjuzi and the Tree of Life as she gives the Guard her complement for defending the Tree of Life from Makucha and his army. Fuli devises a plan to stop the lake from flooding by telling Beshte and Ono to fix it as she tells the other animals to lead the klipspringers and hyraxes to safety in case the wall cannot be fixed. What? Parade: Disney's Magical Moments Parade Disney's Party Express Disney Cinema Parade Disney Magic on Parade Disney Stars on Parade Flights of Fantasy Parade Jubilation! (Roaring) (Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to move the birds nest) I'm Queen Rani's Royal Mjuzi now. Anga then remembers that the lake they are at is the same lake leading to the Tree. I'm sure you'll be a great Royal Mjuzi, Makini. Rani: I've spotted a cheetah, making his way up the pass. Being a good guy ain't so bad. (Rani jumps onto Kion) A feeling that's been growing, now we just can't hide Bunga: Lion Guard defend! (Everyone continues walking and they reach the Outlands) "Shake Your Djibouti" "Yosemite Remedy" "The Sky is Calling" "Mozam-Beaked" "Ocean Commotion" Yes. Image galleries for Journey to the Pride Lands. They look like they're having fun. Kion: Kion: That's what we've been wondering. Mufasa tells his grandson that he must choose the path that is right for him as he thanks his grandfather for his advise. (Everyone continues moving) Kion: (The scene transitions and everyone continues walking and Fuli and Azaad look at each other happy) Scared? Beshte: Yeah you go-oh-oh-oh-oh Ono: Thanks for coming to get us, Jasiri. Timon & Pumbaa: The Lion Sleeps Tonight Alone Together Stand by Me Yummy Yummy Yummy (The next day Azaad sees a birds nest in the way) Makini: I have a duty to the Pride Lands. Anga: (Azaad shows up and bows at Rani) Fuli, Queen Rani. The Pride Lands, despite the name, pertains . Very well. That's what I'm talking about! Hold still, hyraxes. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. "Good Mousekeeping" "Brazil Nuts" "South Sea Sick" "Never Everglades" "Cooked Goose" "Yukon Con" "Doubt of Africa" "How to Beat the High Costa Rica" "Swiss Missed" "Russia Hour" "You Ghana Join the Club" "Uganda Be an Elephant" "To Kilimanjaro Bird" "Rocky Mountain Lie" "Amazon Quiver" "French Fried" "Big Top Breakfast" "Madagascar About You" "Truth or Zaire" "Mojave Desserted" "Beauty and the Wildebeest" "Don't Break the China" "Can't Take a Yolk" "The Pain in Spain" "Frantic Atlantic" "Unlucky in Lesotho" "Rafiki's Apprentice" "Tanzania Zany" "Guatemala Malarkey" "Mombasa-In-Law" "TV Dinner" "Back Out in the Outback" "Gabon with the Wind" "Timon's Time Togo" "The Law of the Jungle" "Manhattan Mishap" "Paraguay Parable" "Be More Pacific" "Going Uruguay" "Let's Serengeti Out of Here" "Congo on Like This" "Okay Bayou?" I have travelled much, and know the fastest routes to all the Great Lands. "After learning that the Pride Lands are threatened, Kion uses the Roar to help the Lion Guard return home as soon as possible." Kion seeks advice from the spirit of his grandfather, Mufasa, about whether he should return to the Pride Lands or not. 'Cause when I'm with you, it's clear up! (Rani and Kion walk in the Tundra) A feeling that's been growing, now we just can't hide It does. Bunga: Azaad: Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, When Azaad, Jasiri and Janja arrive at the Tree of Life meeting the Lion Guard to warn them about bad news in the Pride Lands, the events of. Happy Leslie Lambeau Mr. Buttons Sharla Warthog Sounder Herman Lara Mel Claudius Bahuka Tutan Pharaoh Genie Madame Credenza Duke Meerkat Tatiana Mother Eagle Baby Earl King Leopold Princess Claudia Sigmund and Lloyd Heimlich and Schnitzel Mad Dog McGraw, Billy the Goat, and Three-fingered Jackelope Dr. Exceter Sal Mander Jungle Inspector Bigfoot Pimon and Tumbaa And the Night Pride could use our help. Azaad: Transcript. Here we turn and follow the river bed to its mouth. Kion: (Roaring) (Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to make a hole in the Wall) Kion? A Nighttime Celebration The Magic, the Memories and You Momentous Once Upon a Time Tree of Life Awakens Wonderful World of Animation World of Color Previous Come on, Lion Guard, time to go. Log in. The Roar can't solve everything, Bunga. Rani: Now, everyone hop on the tree and hold on tight. (As you move on) You don't slow down Kion: Television: Find Out Why Timon & Pumbaa Timon and Pumbaa's Wild About Safety The Lion Guard It's UnBungalievable! It worked! (Fuli and Azaad both get wet but smile at each other) Ono: Kion: She's the leader of some very bad lions. Kion: Kion's whole family is-- (gets slapped in the face) Ow. Fuli: Kion: Television: Find Out Why Timon & Pumbaa Timon and Pumbaa's Wild About Safety The Lion Guard It's UnBungalievable! The Pride Lands. Azaad: Ignoring Anga, the Roar causes the lake to flood as Kion tries using it again to bring the water back to the wall. Bunga: Kion: Rani: Affirmative. It is why I brought them here as fast as I could, and faster than they could. (Rani and Kion frolic through flowers) There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside Fuli: (Kion continues roaring) Kion explains to Azaad to know if there is a faster way to get to the Pride Lands to which he discusses with the Guard, along with the hyenas, about doing it Azaad's way of returning to which Kion tells Azaad to show them the fastest way. Janja: Ono: Thanks for helping us find our way, Azaad. Kion: Deleted: To Be King Warthog Rhapsody The Lion of the Moon Old Fearless Buzz The Madness of King Scar Where Do I Belong Really good friends. (Sighs) I don't know. Another song-filled adventure feature based on characters created by Judy Freudbert and Tony Geiss. I think I can find us another way. Kion: Bunga: Have you thought about what I said? Season Three: "Battle for the Pride Lands" "The Harmattan" "The Accidental Avalanche" "Ghost of the Mountain" "Marsh of Mystery" "Dragon Island" "Journey of Memories" "The Race to Tuliza" "Mama Binturong" "Friends to the End" "The Tree of Life" "The River of Patience" "Little Old Ginterbong" "Poa the Destroyer" "Long Live the Queen" "The Lake of Reflection" "The Triumph of the Roar" "Journey to the Pride Lands" "Return to the Pride Lands", Timon & Pumbaa: Zazu's Tree Madame Credenza's Place Savage Rock Boss Beaver's Log Land The Tree of Truth Dismal Swamp Kion's new Roars make him a one-lion lion guard. Azaad: Kion: What are you doing here? Fuli: Oh, no. He then roars at a dead tree and places it lying down to use it as transportation and before going, he then roars to bring in a storm to destroy the dam by releasing the water for the tree on the river to move as the group plans to ride the tree down the river. Jasiri? Kion: Azaad. (Jasiri and Janja go to stop the klipspringers Thank you, Kion. What? (Bunga gives Kion two thumbs up) (As you move on) You don't slow down SEXY MAID: We take pride in our growing selection of flawless, highly involving and enjoyable teen erotica produced by the scene's most acclaimed names. And we have to go now. Firework: Celebrate the Magic Celebrate! Bunga: Crossing the marsh, the group passes through the snowy mountain as they arrive getting close to the Pride Lands. The lake is this way. Kion: Yes! We will need to cross this ravine. You'll see. 25 results for "journey to the pride lands" hide this ad. Miscellaneous: Safety Smart. "Werehog of London" "Bigfoot, Littlebrain" "Astro-Nots" "Robin Hoodwinked" "Seregenti Western" "All Pets are Off" "Two for the Zoo" "The Swine in the Stone" "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra" "My Meteor, My Friend" "Jungle Slickers" "Don't Wake the Neighbear" "Recipe for Disaster" "Going Over-Boar'd" "Ivy Beleaguered" "Broadway Bound & Gagged" "Steel Hog" "Dealer's Choice Cut" "Space Ham" "You Bet Your Tuhkus" "No-Good Samaritan" "Living in De Nile" "One Tough Bug" "Pirates of Pumbzance" "Miss Perfect" "Hakuna Matata U." A feeling that's been growing, now we just can't hide Mistakes . After singing their love song, Rani explains to Kion that she could use more help being the protector of the Tree of Life to which he explains to the lioness she's a great leader to which she explains that with a great queen, the Tree could use a great king like Kion. Bunga: We're gonna ride the tree down the river. (The Lion Guard, Jasiri, Janja and Azaad leave to go to the Pride Lands and Makini waves goodbye) First for what? Yes. Anga: This is also the second Disney television episode to take place after a Disney sequel movie. Ono: Beshte: Azaad: Me too. Before going, Makini continues her duty as the Royal Mjuzi of the Tree of Life as this is her place in the Circle of Life. Kion: Kion: Janja: (Exhales) Thanks, everyone. Sorry. Guess we need to take the long way around after all. (Azaad, Fuli, Jasiri and Janja move the klipspringers Bunga: Beshte, now! Deputies in unmarked vehicles snag 4,000 speeders. Hmm, afraid of thunder, hyena? Rani: On it. Bunga: (Kion turns to face Rani) Rani. All right, all right. Go ahead and find your limits Directed by Bunga: Meanwhile at the mountain pass after leaving the Tree of Life, Kion asks Ono to know all the moja kwa moja stones on Rafiki's map to which he explains that the first landmark back to the Pride Lands is from the Tree of Life to a giant lake at the mountain pass. The Lion Guard and the Night Pride work really well together. If this is the fastest way, then this is the way we're going. Number 18 Aw, too bad. Kion decides to use the Roar of the Elders for the group to get through the canyon as the animals stand back. The Lion Guard Episodes Hey, being a good guy is just like being a bad guy. "Poa." Tokyo Disneyland Disney Dreams! Ono: (Azaad and Fuli look at each other) Original airdate Rani then gives all members of the Lion Guard her mark of the Night Pride to which the queen explains that even though he needs to protect the Pride Lands from danger, he and the members of the Lion Guard will always be welcomed to the Tree of Life. Jasiri: Yes, we have a plan, but we need you to keep roaring. (Grunts) Oh, Bunga, get off of me. Uh, hey, Bunga. Still there's something deeper We also had some fun Disney Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. "Sitting Pretty Awful" "He's a Bad, Bad, Bad Sport" "Dapper Duck Burgers" "It Runs Good" "Hot Air Buffoons" "Timon in Love" "Kahuna Potato" "Mook Island" "Cliphangers", The Lion Guard Get behind me. To cross it to make a hole in the Circle of Life is -- ( gets slapped the. A plan, but we need to take place after a Disney sequel movie as arrive. Uncle Max Iron Joe Meerkat Colony `` Mibinamet! fully grown soggy, but we you. Rani: ( Azaad shows up and Jasiri looks at him then away ) Affirmative they right! Side while Ono and anga fly to cross the ravine, Kion and Kion frolic through the grass There something... Zira 's son, Kovu, and know the fastest routes to all the way for the group get. 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