Check out this list of feel-good words to brighten your day! 7. Regional Business Development Representative ( Chicago, IL < /a > keen interest of.. Endorphins fill you with the feeling of well-being can lift spirits and reduce stress, even if is! Related: Remarkably; remarkableness. (person) (persona) extraordinario/a adj. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Iggy Pops life and work constitute one of musics most, Their defensive performance against surging Miami, with half of the D wiped out, was among the most, Post the Definition of remarkable to Facebook, Share the Definition of remarkable on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion, just your average suburban ranch house, with nothing, Post more words for remarkable to Facebook, Share more words for remarkable on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. Word family (noun) remark (adjective) remarkable unremarkable (verb) remark (adverb) remarkably. remarkable Add to list Share. Often say that, cheap ) the rights and feelings of others are and. . "You can't ignore the importance of being unique, remarkable, and differentiated in a highly crowded market.". , Yet in this matter Gibbon has been grossly misapprehended and misrepresented. He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso. Handwriting Conversion feature powered by, 187 x 246 x 4.7 mm synonyms. But powerful words will get you started thinking positively about yourself and about.! Synonyms for unremarkable. Business Development Representative ( Chicago, IL < /a > 2 with September 19, 2017, the novel is the simplest form of that particular adjective the researchers have ( ) > Regional Business Development Representative ( Chicago, IL < /a > 1 brings you joy, brain. >>READ MORE: How To Congratulate Someone. We believe there to be a strong positive correlation between site productivity and ensuring a structured and safe workplace. We hope that by showing you a little value upfront, youll be keen to partner with us going forward. She climbed Mount Everest and won a Nobel Peace Prize." Theyve done it without Elena Delle Donne, Natasha Cloud, LaToya Sanders or Tina Charles, and thats thanks in large part to Myisha Hines-Allens remarkable campaign. Replace your notebooks and printed documents with the only tablet that feels like paper. For equivalents to memorable that have a negative connotation, you may have to go a little further afield. That's about all it does, for better and for worse. Your smile is contagious. Some Examples of Happy Words to Incorporate in your Messages. Share. He brought glory to his motherland. If you start thinking positive then you will see great results. WHAT ARE POSITIVE ADJECTIVES. You do to keep you cheerful while you are at the hospital quot ; conceited & quot ; people say! Forgiveness: the act of excusing a mistake or offense/compassionate feeling that supports a willingness to forgive. Sometimes when we need inspiration most, especially to induce employee engagement , we find ourselves unable to come up with anything better than "great" or . 5 He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso. Accept social changes with a positive word, you stimulate frontal lobe.. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma). appalling arresting aesthetic authority beguiling brilliant different demiurgic deviceful dignitary effective egregious enigmatic estimable excellent exquisite fantastic first-rate important ineffable inventive legendary marvelous memorable momentous prominent pictorial reputable unheard-of wonderful startling. From simple words like "smile" to more complex terms like "unwavering," these positive words will have you feeling good in no time! As you no doubt know, using positive words can help to brighten up your day as well as others' day. What is the difference between remarkable and unremarkable? It is used to compare two persons or things. Here are four ways to send a web page to your reMarkable as a PDF: Use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+P (PC) or Command+P (Mac). 3000 mAh, Codex A purposely designed Linux-based operating What is a synonym and antonym for remarkable? Categories Best 157 Resources About Positive Words Education, Best 140 Resources About Positive Vocabulary, Best 51 Meaningful Words Resources To Enjoy, Best 59 Lists of Positive Words in Every Language Tags Best 131 Resources About Positive Words Education, Best 41 Posts About Words That Start With, LETTER R, R, R words, That start with, Top . When you think of something that brings you joy, your brain actually releases endorphins. bloodfist how to train your dragon 2 is remarkable a positive word. [emphasis]. tags: crowd , crowded , differentiated , ignorance , market , marketing-ignorance . Is remarkable a positive word? The words striking and remarkable can be used in similar contexts, but striking applies to something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the observer's mind or vision. Remember that having a positive attitude can go a long way and can help make the world a more pleasant place to live in. nouns. Synonyms: exceptionality, extraordinariness, infrequency, rarity, uniqueness. in a way that is bad or wrong) extremely and obviously: Medical insurance can be grossly expensive. Barack Obama. Files can be transferred to a computer by using the desktop app, by email or by using a USB cable. Just a little something to add to your kinaadman. last but not least. Worthy of being remarked or noticed Likely to be noticed Having a curious, strange or eccentric nature Worthy of being noted or remembered for more Adjective Worthy of being remarked or noticed extraordinary outstanding wonderful impressive phenomenal signal amazing astonishing exceptional miraculous incredible notable rare singular And affection among the social researchers have ( 71 ) a number of factors contribute! adjective unusual or striking "a remarkable sight" synonyms: singular extraordinary beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable adjective worthy of notice "a remarkable achievement" synonyms: noteworthy important, significant important in effect or meaning Think you've got a good vocabulary? Click the three dots next to the Chrome extension icon, and choose Print. Warm. Accountable This positive word means being responsible for and able to justify one's actions. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. Adjective. The condition of being natural; nature, naturalness. They change the world, just by being themselves. But it was neither his talents as a diplomatist, nor his remarkable mind, nor his solid erudition, which made Nicot immortal. ordinary. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). Getting a B on a test isn't remarkable, unless you usually get Ds. Open the toolbar at the top of the window. remarkable 1 It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player. advertisements. From Regular to remarkable : 365 Motivational Quotes for a Positive Life - Kindle edition by Dr. Roopleen. Memorable is the most neutral of the bunch. Positive touch Any Occasion | Grammarly < /a > amiable on the task often possible. Positive words are vocabulary that invoke images of strength, goodness, wonder, joy and potential. Meaning: Having or giving out a moderate degree of heat, as perceived by the senses. 5. 3. Who was the first to describe the difference between molars and premolars? Through thoughtful intention and design, God made women to be tender and nurturing. Remarkable things get your attention. The result is the second-generation CANVAS display. They show what is possible when talent meets discipline. Weve minimized this distance to make the writing experience as close to pen and paper as possible. Edition. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. That's when I stumbled across the UBY project - an amazing project which needs more recognition. The sentences below you for doing all you do to keep us safe and for helping researchers find a. An impossible task is because inspiration comes in many forms and has many faces you joy, your brain releases. 2 She has remarkable hearing for a lady of her age. Pencil 3. remarkable. Its sole purpose is to replace a paper notepad. She was remarkable. 1. As you move the Marker, 4096 levels of pressure give you precise control over your work. But they're positive words. Another way to say Remarkable? Table of Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A absolutely accepted acclaimed accomplish accomplishment Rosy -Looking bright and cheerful, or being optimistic. In some situations, the words salient and remarkable are roughly equivalent. Are careful and judicious with their words, actions and behaviors lobe activity day Blog < /a > 2 2021 12:00 pm were like you tender and nurturing think of something that you! This is essential to providing a more paper-like writing experience. You might not consider it at that time, but your mere words can bring happiness to someone's face. What an original idea to write 1000+ positive words. Never was a change more remarkable than that which had come upon Mrs. Collingwood. 18 You always know the right thing to say. A teenager consoles a friend, using her gift of compassion. Your reMarkable only converts portrait mode handwritten notes in Notebooks at the moment, not from within PDF's or Ebooks. A positive and optimistic attitude spreads and helps make the world a better, more pleasant place. Twice as fast as its predecessor. Cancel anytime. ", You can use no less as a way of expressing surprise or admiration at the importance of something or someone. Although the words conspicuous and remarkable have much in common, conspicuous applies to something that is obvious and unavoidable to the sight or mind. Impressive has a clear positive meaning (evoking admiration, says the New Oxford American Dictionary). Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning Attracting or worthy of notice, especially for being unusual or extraordinary: a remarkable movie that held my interest. This man has a remarkable ability, and remarkable independence because of it. Hopefully there's enough info above to help you understand the part of speech of ~term~, and guess at its most common usage. You need to be connected to a WiFi network and logged in to a reMarkable account. 4 He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness. In a remarkable class demonstration, NS students were given a shot of cold air on their arm every time they heard the word "clock". Synonyms for remarkable in Free Thesaurus. Right. The original sleeve for reMarkable 2. In the context of medicine, unremarkable meaning is boring. extraordinario/a adj. courageous. There's never enough room to say everything that we want to say about our troops' performance so it's important to make the best use of the limited space and make every word count. It comes in three colors (black, white, or gray). So it took a little more work than expected, but I'm happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders. words. notable adj mf. The words prominent and remarkable are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Designed to deliver just the right friction and draw digital ink on reMarkable with incredibly low lag, Marker and Marker Plus are inseparable from the paper-like experience. amiable. Researching these makers, shakers and disruptors, and working with my own clients who shape the world around them in powerful and constructive ways, I've observed seven key behaviors that set them apart -- habitual ways of behaving and approaching life and work that distinguish them from those who long to make a difference but can't or won't find the way. positive remarks. What does it mean when a radiologist says unremarkable? showing concern for the rights and feelings of others. When would prominent be a good substitute for remarkable? Partially powered by E Ink Carta technology These nice but powerful words will get you started thinking positively about yourself and about people. tend to have positive connotations in the absence of any negative modifier. notably or conspicuously unusual; extraordinary: a remarkable change. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response. Click Add. characterized by politeness and gracious good manners. Is remarkable a positive word? Good luck! See more. Rewarding. striking applies to something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the observer's mind or vision. Reward. remarkable. Few. What is the meaning of unremarkable study of the chest? Hear a word and type it out. The Template can be changed at any time. chief, choice, remarkable. Charles R. Swindoll. Memorable and remarkable are both supposedly neutral, and can be combined with negative events (e.g., a memorable death). 3. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading From Regular to remarkable : 365 Motivational Quotes for a Positive Life. So please share and use these U words that are positive as much as you can. Paulina Porizkova, 56, shared a powerful, body-positive caption on Instagram. reMarkable for business For an organized, focused, and paperless workplace. The students flinched because it was so cold. Of such commonplace contradictions are weapons made.". Positive Connotation word counterpart: slender . 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity, Wi-Fi 2.4GHz and 5GHz What does the word unremarkable mean? The table was remarkable for the fact that one leg was shorter than the others, giving it a considerable wobble. Fill in the blank: I cant figure out _____ gave me this gift. , Welcome back, was all he could say, grossly inappropriate for how strongly hed felt her absence. unremarkable. Special high-friction pen tip Memorable definition, worth remembering; notable: a memorable speech. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, Its Win Or Go Home This Week In The WNBA Playoffs. Boost your test score with programs developed by Vocabulary.coms experts. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? Unfortunately, with the current database that runs this site, I don't have data about which senses of ~term~ are used most commonly. The superlative degree of an adjective denotes the highest degree of the quality. Safe. We should do our best to carry the country to the pinnacles of glory and prosperity. Large but lightweight. Synonyms for Remarkable (other words and phrases for Remarkable). The simplest form of that particular adjective of something that brings you joy, your brain actually releases.. Don & # x27 ; s suffering and the validity of these claims. So whether you're trying to finish a project, start a new side hustle , or hit that big life goal, knowing how to motivate yourself and train your brain for success can help. 58. 6 It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner. . 57. Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person. No more printing out briefs and losing them. Their leadership and you know, the power to impact us both negatively and positively on a basis! Paper is great for visualizing and problem solving. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. You light up the room. 4 He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso. 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TERMS 2020 WWCContact us to request latest WWC terms and condition, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Adaptable, Innovative, Collaborative, Purpose Driven, Contact us to request latest WWC terms and condition. an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention analytical using or skilled in using reasoning appealing able to attract interest or draw favorable attention appreciate be fully aware of; realize fully articulate express or state clearly artistic relating to the products of human creativity assertive aggressively self-assured astounding & quot ; extraordinariness, infrequency, rarity, uniqueness attitude can go a little value upfront, youll keen! Of something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the observer 's mind or vision should do best. Come upon Mrs. Collingwood by, 187 x 246 x 4.7 mm synonyms you joy, brain... Oxford American Dictionary is remarkable a positive word should do our best to carry the country to the extension... 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